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MolSoft ICM D3R Docking Challenge Success

MolSoft ICM Ranks Number 1 Again - First Place in Every Target for Docking Accuracy and Ranking

MolSoft ICM Top Performance in Docking: 2016-17 Drug Design Challenge Competition

Along with over 50 other participants, the Molsoft group led by Maxim Totrov Ph.D.(Principal Scientist, MolSoft), submitted blind docking pose predictions for the Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) which is a drug target for dyslipidemia and diabetes. The MolSoft team used the pocketome (www.pocketome.org) entry for FXR and the ICM-VLS, Atomic Property Fields (APF) and machine learning methods in the ICM-Pro software to predict the interaction of 36 FXR ligands and the binding affinity of 102 other ligands.

In January 2017 the organizers (D3R) distributed the evaluation results which showed that MolSoft's submission ranked first in RMSD for the top scoring pose and was the only one with average RMSD below 2.0A (Figure 1 below). In the Binding Energy Prediction competition ICM APF dock and icm-MMGBSA method ranked in first place and produced the lowest RMSE for Stage 2 Set 1 set of Kd values for 15 ligands (Lam et al 2018).