Downloading Molcart __ICMLASTMAJ__ for Linux (64 bit)

Downloading Molcart __ICMLASTMAJ__ for Linux (64 bit)

  1. Download the MolCart distribution molcart-__ICMLAST__-linux64.tgz.
  2. Installation:
          # unpack the atchive
          tar xzf molcart-__ICMLAST__-linux64.tgz
          cd molcart-__ICMLAST__-linux64
          # check the MySQL plugin directory
          mysqladmin -h<host> -u<user> -p<pass> variables | grep plugindir
          cp <mysql_plugin_directory>
          # register chemical function
          mysql -h<host> -u<user> -p<password> < reg.sql
          # Verify installation by running
          echo "select molcart_version()" | mysql -h<host> -u<user> -p<password>
          # Get hostid to obtain a license
          # Send hostid to to obtain the license
          # Copy license.dat to /var/lib/mysql/ or /usr/lib/mysql/
          # Make sure that file is read-able for mysql user.


Vendor compound collections can be downloaded from

To install a compound collection into MolCart run the following command:

  shell> zcat vendor.gz | mysql -h<hostname> -u<user> -p<password> molcart_database_name
  Where :
    <hostname>  is the name of the machine where MolCart is running
    <user>      MolCart username (default is 'molcart')
    <password>  MolCart user password (default is 'chem')
    molcart_database_name is the name of an existing database. You can browse, create and delete 
    databases in the ICM workspace after you connected to the MolCart server.