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PrevICM User's Guide
18.2 Browse Database

[ molt-diverse-set ]

Available in the following product(s): ICM-Chemist | ICM-Chemist-Pro | ICM-VLS

To browse a database first decide how many rows of your database you wish to view

  • Double click on the file name in the ICM workspace and the database browse mode will activated.
  • Select the number of rows you wish to be displayed in the Limit data entry box.
  • Click on the Apply button.
  • Scroll up and down the displayed rows using the scroll bar on the right hand side of the table.

To sort a database by a value in a column

  • Click on the drop down arrow next to the Sort by data entry box and select a column.
  • Click on the Apply button.

NOTE: The database will be sorted globally not just the displayed rows.

To filter a database:

  • Double click on the panel labeled and the filtering tools will be activated.

  • Click and select a column to filter (as shown below).
  • Enter a condition.
  • Enter a value.
  • Add or remove another condition
  • Click the Apply button

To view a diverse set of rows from your database:

  • Right click on the database in the ICM Workspace and select Select Diverse Set.

Make Database
Edit Database

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