Copyright © 2020, Molsoft LLC Feb 12 2025
IntroductionCommon Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard method used to generate dynamic content on web pages and web applications. CGI, when implemented on a web server, provides an interface between the web server and programs that generate the web content. These programs are known as CGI scripts or simply CGIs; they are usually written in a scripting language, but can be written in any programming language including ICM. An ICM CGI script consists of the following important elements:
Simple ExampleThe simplest 'Hello World' ICM CGI script may look like this: #!/usr/prog/icm/icm64 -w/usr/prog/icm printf "Content-type: text/html;\n\n" print "Hello from ICM SGI script" quit
Tables in HTML outputICM provides a command show html to generate a nicely formatted HTML code for shell tables. The command generates fully self-contained HTML code with head and body tags. If you CGI script produces a single HTML table you can use this command as is. Example: #!/usr/prog/icm/icm64 -w/usr/prog/icm printf "Content-type: text/html;\n\n" params = Collection(web) if (Exist(param["filename"])) then # reads sn SDF file on the server read table mol param["filename"] name="t" show html t endif quit In more complex cases when table is just a part of bigger HTML code you need to extract body part and, optionally, javascript part which renders chemical structures. It can be done using regular expression and Match function Example: # store the result HTML in s_html string variable show html t output = "s_html" # extract table s_table = Match(s_html,"<body.*?>(?n)(.*)</body>", 1 ) # for chemical tables you might want to extract JavaScript code # It defines a function with name: onLoad_<tableName> # which will draw chemicals when you call it. s_js = Match(s_html,"<script.?>(?n)(.*)</script>", 1 ); # add s_table and s_js into appropriate parts of your result HTML s_head += s_js s_body += s_table # show the result html show "<head>" + s_head + <"/head"> show '<body onload="onLoad_t();">' + s_body + "</body>"
Integration with Molsoft HTML5 Molecule EditorPlease click here to learn how to embed molecule editor into your html code.
Chemical Search Script DemoThe example which demonstrates the functionality above: Chemical Search Demo It provides basic chemical search functionality using find molcart command and chemical database file The source code if the script is here
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